Dear Heather,
Wow this week sure has been a doozy!! I was on television, had that grown up epiphany that my dad really isn't as stupid as I used to think he was, followed my 30 challenges as best as I could and even found some peace in my home again.
Number 7 on my list of challenges is being nice to someone even if they are rude to me. If you know anything about my challenges with my son then you know this is indeed a somewhat difficult task around my house on most days. With my back against a wall, I went to my dad for advice on parenting. It was a wonderful talk where I realized things about about myself and more importantly fresh ideas on how to manage an otherwise unmanageable kid. I implemented his advice and I found myself in a state of simplicity, right where I was looking to be; I almost effortlessly haven't raised my voice in three days. Man, is it really gonna be this easy?
Under the advice from my good ole Pa I've reached a level of self respect and self awareness I thought I had already achieved. After being on television I was awaken by how many lives I had already touched and I motivated complete strangers to change their lives. And today I paid for the person's order behind me in line at McDonalds with my kids in the car. Sadly, they were ASTONISHED. Again, this was all very simple. And boy am I blessed!!! The God sightings around me are unbelievable!!
Moving into next week I will not lose momentum. As I proceed I challenge you to a few interesting things. This weekend, try to pay attention and enjoy your life as it happens. Try something new, and concentrate on being positive at all times. You can do this. We can do this.
Good luck, and God bless!
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